Thursday, May 15, 2008

Papercuts show up in force at Franks, sweep top prizes

The Papercuts showed up in force at D. Franks on Tuesday, and pushed an amazing 7 of 9 players into the second round. This mean every second round match included a papercut member (an event unheard of in modern RPS history?). Unfortunately, the second round was not as kind, with Le Tigre the lone PCPer to advance.

Luckily, his recent string of first round losses was over, and he pounced on the competition to win the tournament. The final match was a nail-biter against the worthiest of opponents, the 2007 PBRPRPSCLCS champion Baconshark, of team David Bowie's Package (not to be confused with the online group, David Bowie's CAC).

In addition to Le Tigre's win in the tournament, Fists of Iron took the street cash prize for the night, bringing his season total up to a respectable $137, only 56 behind the leader Posthumyn.

Other notable events at Franks was the first offical win for Sac Agnole and another first round win for Chinchilla, two players who are starting to gain some traction. Sister brother was back in the competition, and has won the team award for intensity so far this season. Also, the Droog and Batholith Bandit made impressive come-from-behind wins to get to the second round.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

scissor brotha rules!!!!