Wow, can Gizmo throw some RPS. She cleaned up on Tuesday night in the 2008-PBRPRPSCLCS event at D. Franks. So far here competitive record stands at 4-1. When asked to reveal her in-game strategies, she politely declined, but murmered under her breath something about Nick Cage, a prison on the bay, and there being only one person that could show her how to beat the rock, but he was a washed up spy, forgotten by the british MI6 sometime after the fall of soviet Russia But would he help...
She elaborated further, saying that "my main strategy is to win a lot." We all hope to see more victories by this PCP star in the future.
I understand that June of 44, Slint and the Monorchid (as well as Lungfish) can kick the crap out of Mogwai.
I am huge gizmo fan. Next time, I hope to pour some water (or PBR) on her after midnight. I am sure she transforms into a mean RPS player and take over the Majestic 12 team in one throw.
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