Friday, June 6, 2008
1st Annual PBRPRPSCLCS Consolation Awards
Winner: Pete the Beat (grooves to the music, hypnotizing the opponent with subliminal rock vibes)
Distant Second: The Captain. (exhibits a variation of a the fight stance of the Cobra Kai dojo in karate kid)

Comments overheard when player is selected to face Loomer.
From Loomers first round opponent: "Shit, I've got to play Loomer? That guys like some sort of RPS savant."
Funniest season match-up.
Week 7, Dirty Franks, Paper Tiger vs. Chinchila. Big Tiger versus little Chinchila, with each exhibiting a miniature prime of about 1 inch, the entire match was summed up by Fist of Iron as "a knock, knock joke".Best Team name.
Obviously, team David Bowie's Package. Little competition though (of course the PCP is exempt from this competition). However, a distant second does go to "Ernie Vanderbilt College of Games and Wagers LLC" prior to their merger with the PCP.Best Individual Name
This one is tough, so I'll break it down into some subcategories
Smart name: Grim Trigger (I had to wikipedia it to learn it is a game theory role)
Hilarious name: Rowdy Randy Piper (which may be the merging of two names or homage to roddy piper and a nickname)
Aptly named for his profession: Rock Doctor (geologist)
Potential Location: Dance Rock, Saskatchewan (the comma is my punctuation)

Most enjoyable person to lose to.
Paper Tiger. Also, he wins the award for most chanted/chantable name. Pa-Per Ti-Ger. Pa-Per Ti-Ger.
Least chantable name.
J. Martin Hill. I tried, it just wasn't working. Although I heard the creative "climb the mountain Hill" once from Von Damonator.
Best random YouTube video commemerating a Gizmo win.
Season OVER
Congrats to the victorious team, the Majestic 12, which claimed all the season prizes. A dominant performance by Loomer and the rest of the team.
Also, congrats to the DBP, for coming on strong at the end. This team beat us out for second in team rankings, with primarily 3 people, all in the top 10, that primarily went to 2 events a week (due to Lost night).